Sunday 26 June 2011

Focus the mind.

Llyn Ogwen - Lake Ogwen ~ taken one early Sunday morning, nestled between two mountain ranges of Snowdonia, the Carneddau and the Glyderau (c) copyright CJ Roberts 2011

Ever wished for a clearer mind? As clear as a mountain spring lake...
One of the best skills you can learn for calming and clearing body and spirit is to focus the mind here is a few concentration methods I'd like to share with you:

Concentrate on your breath, you don't necessarily need to adjust it...

Colours, candle gazing, flowers, symbols, rocks, a beautiful garden, your favourite picture, prayer stone, clouds  

Sing your favourite song, chant, humming bee

Stroking nature (trees, pebbles, crystal etc) or your pet! 

All very soothing very calming.

Thursday 23 June 2011


As we gently roll through June, its been sunny here on the North Wales coast, occasional evening rains bring a cooling to the earth. So beautiful to see the summer flowers. I like to watch nature do its thing, so effortless, knowing everything will work out as it should.
The picture above reminds me of blowing dandelion clocks as a child, each spore happy to be taken whichever way the winds carries him...
So at peace, so calm, landing happily where it may.

Its good to remember we are just as natural as the dandelion clocks, the trees and streams ~ each having our own path.... trust, let go, glide and flow...