Wall of Gratitude

Being grateful for stuff just rocks!!
Who doesn't tire from that wonderful feeling of "Whoooooooooohoooooooooooooooo" that your body just laps up, that glowing, buzzy feeling, that all over smile when stuff is just going YOUR way! Stay a while in that wonderous feeling, shimmy into it and tell us all about the stuff you're GRATEFUL for or to.

You can comment in the box below with as little or as much as you like!Visit this page and add all that you are grateful for time and time again... 100 times a day! (Lucky You!) The more you are grateful for the more you will have to be grateful about  - now doesn't that just deserve a big "Whooooooohoooooo!" too?

Light & Love to you all.

I am grateful...

To you - dear reader, your time in reading this.

To my Yoga teacher Val Whitheridge - Thank you for your faith and unceasing patience to teach me. I am eternally grateful.



  1. I am grateful for a beautiful day today, spent in the company of creative, fun, happy people. Heather

  2. I'm grateful for the beauty of the new tulips in my garden,the way they sway in the fresh air im able to breath+ the sounds of the birds singing. Simply innocence of a day.

  3. I'm grateful for the sunshine that cheers most people-up.
    Im grateful for my daughter who knows that mums aren't perfect.
    I'm.gratfull for my ears which without I couldn't hear heartfelt music.
    I'm gratfull for clear air to breath in North Wales.
