Treatments & Therapies

Choose from our list of Treatments & Therapies

* Massage
* Hopi Ear Therapy
* Aromatherapy
* Hatha Yoga
* Reiki
* Crystal Therapy
* Reflexology
* Relaxation & Meditation
* Nutritional Guidance

Please see Current Price List for an up to date list.


We offer different massages all with slightly different benefits depending on your needs.

Uplifting ~Facial Deep Cleanse  – Cleanse, tone, moisture & scalp massage
Deep Relax ~ Vitamin E oil massage & scalp and hair massage
Weight Off ~ Back, shoulder & scalp massage with aromatherapy oils
Light Feet ~ deep foot & lower leg massage
Deluxe ~ All over massage
Heavenly ~ Hot Stone Massage
Paradise ~

Hot stone therapy combines traditional massage with the use of smooth, heated basalt stones, which are applied to the body as an extention of the therapist's hands. The massage is 10 times more effective than other massages. The warmth of these heated stones penetrates muscles and balances the nervous system like no other treatment. Benefits include : deeper relaxation, toxin removal, increased range of motion, calms nervous system, increases rate and blood circulation, lymph drainage.

Hopi Ear Therapy

Ear candles are an ancient, mild and natural therapy and have been used by the Native American Indians for many years.
The Hopi candle is not a candle as such, but a hollow tube made out of cotton flax. To stiffen the flax, they are impregnated with extract of honey and herb oils (in particular chamomile, safe and St Johns Wort), the healing properties of which have been known to the Hopi tribe for hundreds of years. The making of the candles is a complex process and all genuine Hopi candles are made in the traditional manner.

The Treatment

The treatment is very gentle and relaxing and may take up to an hour, depending on the condition being treated.
The candle is placed over the ear orifice and ignited. It is only allowed to burn to within 4 inches of the end of the candle. As is burns it produces a gentle local heat. The war air combined with the oil and herbs soften the wax adn draw it into the base of the candle. The candle is them removed and the ear and surrounding area is then massaged. The treatment is repeated on the other ear and the a massage is carried out, paying particular attention to the sinus areas.

What Conditions Can Ear Candles Help?

Ear candles can help with the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, earwax, earache and irritation of the ears including tinnitus. It is also suitable for the treatment of headaches and migranes. It is not suitable for those with perforated eardrums, where grommets are in place of those who may have an allergy to the ingredients. It is a safe and gentle treatment for children.
The number of treatments depends on how long the candle takes to burn down. Each treatment takes approximately 45 – 60 minutes and is very relaxing. On the day of treatment, you will be advised to remove an earrings.


Pure essential oils are blended according to your specific needs which will be assessed with your therapist.
The sense of smell is powerful of course, but these oils penetrate the skin in a process that continues beyond the gentle massage where they are applied. It is recommended that you wait 24 hours after treatment before bathing to make the most of your investment.

Hatha Yoga

Strength in body : strength in mind
An ancient practice of gentle postures achieved at a pace to suit the individual. Yoga is non competitive. It delivers back to you flexibility, a better toned body and a deep sense of well being. It’s wonderful for all ages, young, old and those in between.
Yoga acts as a cleanser for the internal organs, strengthening joints and bones, also focusing on the breath for deep relaxation.


(Japanese) Rei = universal wisdom Ki = life energy

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a non-intrusive therapeutic treatment, scientifically proven to support personal growth, providing the individual with a tremendous sense of wellbeing through deep relaxation.
By taking Reiki you will begin (or continue) to awaken the natural energies in your own body and those pathways to living in harmony, happier and healthier.
Reiki is deeply relaxing (scientifically proven) accelerating the bodies own natural healing.
Reiki is very easily learned and is one of the widely known forms of energy healing, it either involves hands on positions onto the body or hands a few inches away from the body and the intent for healing to occur, once attuned to Reiki it is with you for life. Its benefits are a thousand fold. Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual re-balancing and strengthening.
No harm at all can be done. It is not a religion or cult; even children and animals can do it!

Crystal Therapy

Crystals are occastionally used when required, sometimes after a deep massage.


foot or hand pressure points to enable the whole body to rebalance

Relaxation & Meditation

Relaxing the body mind and emotions to enable a sence of wholeness with practice
Giving guided gentle intructions to each part of the body mind and emotions, to support the journet to wholeness thus becoming  more and more content with practice.

Nutritional Guidance