Monday 11 July 2011

Meditation made easy

Anyone reading this will no doubt know the benefits of Meditation. That's great! Good for you. So... the big question is how often do you do it then?
Erm... not so easy to answer huh?
Whilst knowing the benefits of doing something sometimes will only create more guilty feelings its the level of resistance that needs addressing.

So whats holding you back?
Write down everything that comes to mind, not sure if I'm doing it right, doesn't work for me, can't find the time...

The simplest and easy way to Meditate is simple breathing, whether for 3, 5 or 15 minutes. Close your eyes and breathe in through the tip of your nose, mindfully down the back of your thought into your stomach, filling it up as much as you can and breathing out again, following the same route. Just concentrating on your breathe.
and that's it!

The best thing about it this easy form of meditation is that you can do it anywhere, at the supermarket, in your car, when you're kids are playing. If you feel like you are getting stressed. Start this quick easy mindful breathing... its actually the best way to start if you are looking to incorporate more meditation into your daily routine. You'll be hooked soon enough!

If you would like a "deeper" mediation cleanse or would like to know more about finding the right Meditation practices for your sign-up to my newsletter or even ask me a question
and I'll get back to you with some great relevant info *just for you*
