Saturday 7 May 2011

Beach Yoga - All the fun of the Fair!

Well! What a fantastic time at the Llandudno Extravaganza - it was all the fun of the Fair with added destressing from Strestless.
A windswept Janet Green (thats me! above) took to the beach near the Helter Skelter ride (below) for some Beach Yoga sessions. Our rainbow coloured balloons nearly took off a few times!

It was a gloriously sunny day, a perfect May bank holiday celebration.
After chatting with our fellow beach side mates (the RNLI, Punch & Judy, Showtime stage) we handed out some flyers about the Beach Yoga and talked to locals and tourists about the treatments on offer at Strestless.

Helter Sketler (c) David Roberts Photography

At 11:00 am we braved the winds facing out to sea for the first of the Beach Yoga sessions. A gentle breathing exercise, forward, back and side bends were both cleansing and uplifting. We hoped more would join in but we had a few on lookers!

As friends of Strestless showed up to lend support we decamped a little further in town to outside Merry Moon ( a lovely gift shop in Llandudno selling precious gems, clothing and ornaments - do check it out if you are in the area!) There I was able to give soothing massages as a taster of what I offer through my work at Strestless. All were free but the donations were most appricated!!

Everyone looked quite zen after their mini-treat and I'm sure most deserved!! Even the local bobby had a massage (they must have been working hard that day!)

It was very busy, felt great that the town was so alive and full of smiling faces in the sun.
Below are some stunning photography from the day by (c) David Roberts Photography. If you would like to see the entire set I urge you to check his flickr page at: David Roberts Photography

Thanks to all that came to support, those who enjoyed getting to know us and all those we'll see again soon in the future.

If you were there on the day and received a massage from me I would appriceate a review over at:

If you are running an event and would like us to come along to offer some Yoga sessions or Massage ~ just as a taster do please get in touch at