Wednesday 12 September 2012

Reiki - Energy for life!

Gravitational energy and magnetic energy are universal energies. The compass needle moves with the magnetic field of the earth to point to north. We cannot see, hear or feel the energy that affects it and makes it move – only the results of it. When we put two magnets together or try to part them we feel the effect of magnetism. We don’t see gravity or magnetism but we know they are there.
The existence of another type of energy – ‘life force’ energy – has been recognised in many cultures for thousands of years. The power of prayer and positive thinking are just two examples that illustrate the way universal life force behaves and makes us feel. ‘Reiki’ healing originated in Japan and the name literally means ‘rei’ universal ‘ki’ life force. People all over the world of many denominations use Reiki and practitioners work with this energy to facilitate healing in themselves and others.
Reiki practitioners are ‘attuned’ so that the energy flows through them helping the body, mind, and spirit to heal itself. It can help a person to heal the past and alleviate worries about the future and can often help people to heal themselves not only physically but mentally too, by releasing long held stresses and pains.
Reiki can be used successfully alongside other complementary therapies and treatments and with orthodox medicines too.
When you have a Reiki treatment, you may simply feel very relaxed and peaceful. But everybody is different. Some people feel warm or cold and some feel tingles of energy or feel uplifted or supported – these are all sensations of the ‘universal life force’ as it flows through you. The healing that Reiki brings directs itself naturally to wherever it is most needed and flows to the person the Reiki is intended for through the practitioner.
Anyone can give Reiki energy to another, just as it is believed that we can help someone through sending our loving thoughts, but to become fully open to the healing energy of the universal force a practitioner learns certain lessons and ways of life to live by that help to increase the flow of energy. You can receive a Reiki treatment without having to learn the techniques although many people, after having a treatment, feel they would like to learn more so they can use Reiki for themselves.

Reiki Share Landudno

Now, is the perfect chance to sieze your chance to renew, replenish and relearn
 Reiki Share
contact me for dates and times
Calling all reiki students(bring a friend who would like to know more) to my Reiki share , Llandudno......
.In beautifull peacefull suroundings

Call Janet if you would like to come long.I do ask for a small donations . 07747406561.

Strestless Janet Green 07747406561 Llandudno North Wales: ReTREAT: Pamper Days For Couples

Strestless Janet Green 07747406561 Llandudno North Wales: ReTREAT: Pamper Days For Couples: Pamper days at Strestless. A time for you. Planning a Wedding, Civil Ceremony, Renewing Your Vows or Anniversary? Take time out to refocus...

Monday 12 September 2011

La La La Llandudno!

Llandudno ~
Beautiful Shot taken from the Great Orme, near Strestless
Taken on Top of the Orme - (c) Geoff Steen

Its been a beautiful summer here on the North Wales coast !

Strestless will continue to offer holistic treatments from its new stunning, peaceful and soothing surroundings as well as ReTREAT packages for you, couples and wedding parties.
We've created the perfect haven to relax, destress and unwind. With the fresh sea air under your wings you'll feel like a new you!
Come and have a treatment as part of your stay or make a beeline for us to help calm those busy minds and overworked bodies.
Looking forward to working with you soon.

Pictures are copyright of Geoff Steen who runs a beautiful daily blog of pictures from Llandudno - check it out here -> Llanduno Pictures
If you're looking for some artwork to take home with you check out his shop while you're here, visit North Shore on Llandudno Pier ~ a sneak preview of what is available can be viewed online at

Monday 11 July 2011

Meditation made easy

Anyone reading this will no doubt know the benefits of Meditation. That's great! Good for you. So... the big question is how often do you do it then?
Erm... not so easy to answer huh?
Whilst knowing the benefits of doing something sometimes will only create more guilty feelings its the level of resistance that needs addressing.

So whats holding you back?
Write down everything that comes to mind, not sure if I'm doing it right, doesn't work for me, can't find the time...

The simplest and easy way to Meditate is simple breathing, whether for 3, 5 or 15 minutes. Close your eyes and breathe in through the tip of your nose, mindfully down the back of your thought into your stomach, filling it up as much as you can and breathing out again, following the same route. Just concentrating on your breathe.
and that's it!

The best thing about it this easy form of meditation is that you can do it anywhere, at the supermarket, in your car, when you're kids are playing. If you feel like you are getting stressed. Start this quick easy mindful breathing... its actually the best way to start if you are looking to incorporate more meditation into your daily routine. You'll be hooked soon enough!

If you would like a "deeper" mediation cleanse or would like to know more about finding the right Meditation practices for your sign-up to my newsletter or even ask me a question
and I'll get back to you with some great relevant info *just for you*
